The last achievements coming from the MCA Research & Development department can be seen at the International Technical Fair. The fair will be held between 24th and 29th of September 2012 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria..
The following products can be seen at the MCA booth:
- MCA Power Door – the garage doors which produce energy for the entire household. The Power Door garage doors are designed for architectural projects such as “Energy Plus Buildings”. In the near future these garage doors will generate enough energy to sustain the entire household energy consumption and you can also power up your electric car.
- MCA Vogue - simply defined as a stylish garage door for the style that you deserve. A garage door with personality which redefines the way we look at a sectional garage door.
- MCA FullVision – Industrial Sectional Doors with completely glazed panels. MCA Full Vision represents an optimum solution for commercial stores within shopping centers or even for an auto repair shops.
- Outbox Roller Shutters – Exterior rolling shutters with thermal protection. These types of rolling shutters are wall mounted, on the building façade.
- Outbox Roller Shutters – Exterior rolling shutters with thermal protection. These types of rolling shutters are wall mounted, on the building façade.
- Unibox Roller Shutters – Exterior rolling shutters with thermal protection built in the lintel above the window.