Roller doors
Roller garage doors are used to close large openings and where a sectional door it not suitable.The most common use is the garage doors and doors to close commercial spaces.The main advantage that roller doors have over to sectional doors is given by the more permissive mounting restrictions .
Because the hole door raises in a cylinder, in the top of the door, make restrictions of the size of beam, side columns and garage depth ,necessary to door assembly ,to be much easier to follow.
Roller doors are made of 77mm slats and the maximum height that such a door can have is 4650 mm. Maximum width of a roller door with 77 mm slats, is 5300 mm. The maximum area that a roller door can occupy is 20sm.
Roller doors are powered by tubular engines that can be driven by : remote control, key selector, wall button or through a module command with GSM technology. In addition, the roller door can be accessorized with: photocell system, "Safety Edge" sensor edge, red traffic light. Roller door can be equipped with vision slats profiles or ventilation grilles.
Ușile tip rulou sunt acționate de motoare tubulare care pot fi acționate prin: telecomandă, selector cu cheie, buton de perete sau printr-un modul de comandă prin tehnologia GSM. În plus, ușa tip rulou poate fi accesorizată cu: sistem de fotocelule, senzor de muchie „Safety Edge”, semafor roșu. Ușa tip rulou poate fi echipată cu lamele cu gemulețe sau cu grile de ventilație.