Die Rolle beinhaltet die Förderung einer komplette Reihe von Sektionaltoren in Baufirmen, Facheinzelhandel, spezialisierte Sektionaltore Installateure, Baufachhandel, Wohnungsbaugesellschaften und private Endverbraucher.
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Ролята на мениджъра бизнес развитие за България
Промотиране на цялата гама секционни врати сред строителните компании, специализираните магазини, екипите за монтаж на секционни врати, дистрибуторите, собственическите асоциации и крайните клиенти.
The role entails the promotion of a complete range of sectional doors into construction companies, specialized retail stores, specialized sectional doors installers, builders' merchant, housing associations and private end-users.
Die Rolle beinhaltet die Förderung einer komplette Reihe von Sektionaltoren in Baufirmen, Facheinzelhandel, spezialisierte Sektionaltore Installateure, Baufachhandel, Wohnungsbaugesellschaften und private Endverbraucher.
Le rôle du responsable du développement commercial en France. La promotion de la gamme complète des portes de garage sectionnelles MCA auprès des entreprises de construction, des magasins spécialisés, des installateurs spécialisés, des négociants, des associations de propriétaires et des utilisateurs finaux.
The role entails the promotion of a complete range of sectional doors into construction companies, specialized retail stores, specialized sectional doors installers, builders' merchant, housing associations and private end-users.
The role entails the promotion of a complete range of sectional doors into construction companies, specialized retail stores, specialized sectional doors installers, builders' merchant, housing associations and private end-users.
The role entails the promotion of a complete range of sectional doors into construction companies, specialized retail stores, specialized sectional doors installers, builders' merchant, housing associations and private end-users.
The role entails the promotion of a complete range of sectional doors into construction companies, specialized retail stores, specialized sectional doors installers, builders' merchant, housing associations and private end-users.
The role entails the promotion of a complete range of sectional doors into construction companies, specialized retail stores, specialized sectional doors installers, builders' merchant, housing associations and private end-users.
The role entails the promotion of a complete range of sectional doors into construction companies, specialized retail stores, specialized sectional doors installers, builders' merchant, housing associations and private end-users.
The role entails the promotion of a complete range of sectional doors into construction companies, specialized retail stores, specialized sectional doors installers, builders' merchant, housing associations and private end-users.
The role entails the promotion of a complete range of sectional doors into construction companies, specialized retail stores, specialized sectional doors installers, builders' merchant, housing associations and private end-users.
The role entails the promotion of a complete range of sectional doors into construction companies, specialized retail stores, specialized sectional doors installers, builders' merchant, housing associations and private end-users.